Wednesday, January 6, 2010


True Inner Wealth
Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha

Uddhava wants to know what is the real wealth? "Contentment", Krishna readily says .

Real wealth cannot be external and material.

It can be only of the mind and heart. Thus contentment has its best rating in the category of riches or opulence. Judge your wealth and resourcefulness, taking this pronouncement into account.

Krishna answers Uddhava's question as to who is poor.

The discontented person is verily the poor. Penury or destitution is actually a creation of the mind, and its cause is discontent. The emphasis shifts from the economic front to the inner, psychological plane. The happy person is the most wealthy. Remember this forever and be guided by it throughout.

What and where are heaven and hell?

Krishna emphasizes that the increase of one's sattva-guna makes and brings heaven for him. Prevalence of tamo-guna, on the other hand, causes hell.
See how mythological concepts are exposed for their implied meaning and relevance, and how the real objectives and purposes are shown clearly.

Krishna pinpoints that the mind is the only constituent in our personality which is to be treated and embellished, no matter what rituals, ceremonies or devotional performances are pursued.