Wednesday, March 31, 2010


Surrender must be complete without reservations

To all of you I say, "Let mountains fall; let the sea overwhelm the land; but, do not give up your
saadhana. And, remember, saadhana is a waste, unless you grow at the same time in virtue and uprightness."

If you give up all and surrender to the Lord, He will guard you and guide you. When you complain, "Oh! He has not guarded me," I reply, "You have not surrendered." The Lord has come just for this very task. He is declaring that He will do so, that is the very task that has brought Him!

Of course, you only talk of Sharanam (surrender), of placing all at the Feet; but you withhold a great deal.

Your minds are wayward like monkeys that skip and jump from bough to branch. Give them to Me; I can make them steady and harmless. When I say, sit, they will sit; when I say, stand, they Stand. That is what Shankaraacharya offered to do, he told Shiva that he will hand over the monkey that was his mind to Him so that it might be tamed and used for His delight. But, it must be a complete handing over; no reservations.

Monday, February 8, 2010


The very first
Sadhana (spiritual exercise) one must adopt is the cultivation of inner silence, to put an end to the continuous dialogue with the mind.

Let the mind rest for a while. Do not project on the mind irrelevant details or pollute it with fumes of envy and greed. Every idea we entertain, either good or bad, gets imprinted on the mind.

An element of weakness and unsteadiness is thus introduced in the mind. Keep the mind calm and clear. Do not agitate it every moment by your non-stop dialogue.

The greater the number of desires, the lesser the happiness you will experience. Be contented. A discontented man loses everything; only a contented man can experience real joy. The happiness in one's life will be in inverse proportion to one's desires

In the journey of life, as in a railway journey, the lesser the luggage (desires) one carries, the greater the
comfort.Many of you have problems of health or mental worry of some sort or the other.

They are mere baits by which you have been brought to
Presence, so that you may obtain My Grace and
strengthen your FAITH in the Divine.

Problems and worries are really to be welcomed as they teach you the lessons of humility and reverence.


Wednesday, January 6, 2010


True Inner Wealth
Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha

Uddhava wants to know what is the real wealth? "Contentment", Krishna readily says .

Real wealth cannot be external and material.

It can be only of the mind and heart. Thus contentment has its best rating in the category of riches or opulence. Judge your wealth and resourcefulness, taking this pronouncement into account.

Krishna answers Uddhava's question as to who is poor.

The discontented person is verily the poor. Penury or destitution is actually a creation of the mind, and its cause is discontent. The emphasis shifts from the economic front to the inner, psychological plane. The happy person is the most wealthy. Remember this forever and be guided by it throughout.

What and where are heaven and hell?

Krishna emphasizes that the increase of one's sattva-guna makes and brings heaven for him. Prevalence of tamo-guna, on the other hand, causes hell.
See how mythological concepts are exposed for their implied meaning and relevance, and how the real objectives and purposes are shown clearly.

Krishna pinpoints that the mind is the only constituent in our personality which is to be treated and embellished, no matter what rituals, ceremonies or devotional performances are pursued.