From time to time, the Divine power assumes numerous forms. In devotees, it shines as the Jnana-Agni (fire of wisdom). In non-devotees, it burns as Krodha-Agni (the fire of anger) or the Kama-Agni (fire of desire). Man today has this fire (of anger, etc) in his heart and has become a victim of fear and delusions. All other types of fire subside in due course of time, but these fires (of anger, etc.) never completely cease. They may flare up at any moment. How, then, are these fires to be extinguished once for all? Vairagya (detachment) and Prema (love) are the two requisites to extinguish these fires. It is only through Prema (love) that man can acquire peace.
There is no obstruction that cannot be surmounted. Attachment to sense objects can be removed by sama, dama, uparathi, thithiksha, that is, by developing purity, self-control, withdrawal of desires, and the ability to suffer. Dullness of understanding can be removed by listening again and again. Constant meditation on things heard will abolish the habit of cynical criticism. All absurd conceit will vanish through the teachings one imbibes.
When a man's inner self is filled with love, his life becomes full of bliss and he is always hale and hearty. Today, man suffers from numerous ailments the root cause of which is a diseased mind. There is no death for the mind, though when the body is facing death the mind thinks it is dying. The mind, it has been said, is the cause of one's bondage or liberation. Bad thoughts beget bondage. Good thoughts lead to liberation. Hence, everyone should develop good thoughts and perform good deeds. Such good feelings can arise only out of love.
There is no obstruction that cannot be surmounted. Attachment to sense objects can be removed by sama, dama, uparathi, thithiksha, that is, by developing purity, self-control, withdrawal of desires, and the ability to suffer. Dullness of understanding can be removed by listening again and again. Constant meditation on things heard will abolish the habit of cynical criticism. All absurd conceit will vanish through the teachings one imbibes.
When a man's inner self is filled with love, his life becomes full of bliss and he is always hale and hearty. Today, man suffers from numerous ailments the root cause of which is a diseased mind. There is no death for the mind, though when the body is facing death the mind thinks it is dying. The mind, it has been said, is the cause of one's bondage or liberation. Bad thoughts beget bondage. Good thoughts lead to liberation. Hence, everyone should develop good thoughts and perform good deeds. Such good feelings can arise only out of love.
That was really a nice pick for the day. Really proud to be your son perriappa...:)