In the world today, knowledge falls into three categories.
(1) In terms of daily life, there is factual knowledge based
on perception. To treat facts as truth and fiction as
untruth is practical knowledge.
(2) In the second category are those who regard the
phenomenal world as real and treat all that cannot be
seen or heard as unreal or non-existent. They regard
Nature as real and God as non-existent.
(3) The third category consists of those who make no
distinction between one thing and another and hold
the view that the whole universe is a projection of the
Divine and is permeated by the Divine.
This is spiritual knowledge.
Doubtless, knowledge of the phenomenal world is
necessary. But one should go beyond it to know the
Eternal and Unchanging Reality.
Education is not the be-all and end-all of life; It is only
a part of it.
Virtues are the backbone of life and spiritual path is
the only means of cultivating it.
Sri Sathya Sai Baba