Wednesday, December 30, 2009


He is a true devotee who considers God’s happiness as his own.

He always aspires to give happiness to the Lord and does not want to cause any inconvenience to Him. You should never cause inconvenience to God in the name of devotion.

Consider that God’s happiness is your happiness and your happiness is God’s happiness. Imbibe this spirit of oneness.

Today most of the devotees are selfish. They have only Swartha Bhakti (devotion intended for selfish gains). They are concerned with their own happiness and not that of God's.

You should see to it that your love is always pure. God is the embodiment of love. Such divine love is present in all. Share your love with everyone. This is what God expects from you.


Tuesday, December 22, 2009


Santhi (peace) is a shoreless ocean. It is the LIght that illumines the world.

Having it is having it all. It confers knowledge of both this world and next. Pure Love can emanate only from a heart immersed in Santhi.

Santhi is not the conviction arrived at by means of logic. It is the Discipline of all disciplined lives. To attain Santhi, the mind must first be calmed and quietened. Only then the body can be healthy and the intellect sharp.

Your mind is the battlefield where good and bad, right and wrong, contest for supremacy. Iron has to be beaten flat by iron alone. So too, the inferior, lower mind has to be shaped better by the superior mind itself.

You must endeavor to make your mind superior and stronger for the task of personal upliftment.


Monday, December 21, 2009


Know that you and I are one.

You can realize this only by intense spiritual discipline, that is not marred by anger, envy and greed...the vices that sprout from the ego.

When you get angry, you act as if you are possessed by an evil spirit. Your face becomes ugly and frightful. Heed that signal, and take yourself to a quiet spot. Do not give free vent to wicked vocabulary.

Envy and greed also emanate from the ego and have to be carefully watched and controlled.

Like the tadpole's tail, the ego will fall away when one grows in wisdom. Develop wisdom, discriminate and know the ephemeral nature of all objective things.


Wednesday, December 16, 2009


The physical is subordinate to the spiritual. The body is the cart and the spirit, the horse. To not follow the disciplines imposed for betterment, is as absurd as putting the cart before the horse.

Of course, the cart should be kept in good condition. Vice ruins the body and makes it unfit for the journey of life. The mind is the horse. It is starved, neglected and not groomed for the journey. Achieve lasting joy and do not throw away precious years of life in silly adventures.

Develop faith and do not be turned away by your egoism or other's cynicism. With wisdom and detachment, your hearts will bloom with fragrant beauty.

The company one keeps determines one's character. People join groups where they can freely express their innate nature. You must carefully choose the company you are in.

Consider this example: A length of string is a worthless thing, no one will wear it in the hair or place it reverentially on an idol of God. But, when it associates itself with a few fragrant flowers, then women decorate their hair with it and devotees place the garland of flowers on the idol they adore.

All names and forms are based on your feelings. God has no differences whatsoever.

No one can comprehend the nature of Divinity. Actually, the principle of love that exists in all beings is the principle of Divinity. Love has no specific form.

Divinity transcends name and form. In fact, all names and forms belong to the same God. He responds to the prayers of devotees in whatever form they worship Him. Hence, each one considers the form he worships to be superior to the other forms. It is a sign of ignorance to consider one form superior to the other.

What is important is that your prayers should not be confined to mere words. They should be translated into action. It is easy to speak but not so easy to practise. True prayer is that which is translated into action.


Tuesday, December 8, 2009


Cultivate Love, Peace, Right Action and Fortitude. Practice them systematically.

You should be content with what you have, refuse to be worried by the absence of things that you have not got and try as far as possible to reduce and eliminate the desires and tendencies, passions and hatreds. That is your real duty, the real purpose of human birth.

If these four qualities are cultivated and practiced by each one, then there will be no envy between one person and another, Selfish grabbing will cease, the interests of others will be respected and world peace can be established.

Those enthusiastic about world peace must first learn how to experience and enjoy that peace themselves.

Peace cannot be spread or promoted by anyone. The best that can be done is to show
the way to others, to inform others of its sweetness. How can another's hunger be
appeased by your eating food? The diner alone derives satisfaction from the dinner.
Peace too is of such a nature.

Love and fortitude are enough to confer peace. Let these
virtues saturate your thought, word and deed. That is the way to establish world peace.
Through world peace, individual peace can also be established.

The relationship between Karma and Karma Yoga should be properly understood. Karma (action) done with attachment or desire causes bondage. But selfless action devoid of desires becomes Karma Yoga (the path of action leading to liberation). Our life should become Yoga (Divine Communion) rather than a Roga (disease).

There is no greater quality in man than selfless love, which expresses itself in service to others. Such love can be the source of real bliss.